Eckart Schulz

Rechtsanwalt (Attorney at Law)
Lawyer Specializing in Employment Law
Certified Business Mediator
University Lecturer
Born: 1961
Military Service: Air Force Hamburg and Münster
Legal studies: Universities Münster and Göttingen
Freelance Journalist: Newspaper Münster
Legal Traineeship: Kammergericht Berlin and Law Office Tel Aviv
Admission to the Bar: 1991
Lawyer Specializing in Employment Law: §§ 43c BRAO, 2, 10 FAO
Business Mediator: §§ 7a BORA, 5 MedG; certified by IHK
University Lecturer: Hochschule Fresenius/Dept. Economy & Management/Employment Law
Main focuses:
- Employment Law
- Commercial & Corporate Law
- Business Mediation
Member of:
VdAA - Verband deutscher ArbeitsrechtsAnwälte e.V. (
Deutscher Anwaltverein (German Lawyers Association)
Berliner Anwaltsverein (Berlin Lawyers Association)
Additional Correspondence Languages: English