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D-10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (0)30 319 85 26 - 0
Telefax: +49 (0)30 319 85 26 - 20
E-Mail: mail@sk-partner.de

Webdesign & Photography

Disclaimer, non-binding nature of offers:

1. The content provided on our Internet website has to be regularly checked and, where necessary, updated with regard to changes to the overall legal situation. For this reason Schulz Kluge Partner excludes all liability for all such content, in particular for the currency, correctness, completeness and availability of information provided therein. This also applies to all types of consequential damage.

2. Liability is assumed by the author of this website for direct and indirect links to other Internet sites that do not fall within the area of the author’s responsibility only in cases where the author is aware of the illegal content of such sites and where it is technically feasible and reasonable to expect the author to prevent use of such content. The author hereby expressly states that at the time of linking no illegal content could be discerned on these websites. Creating links to other websites does not imply that Schulz Kluge Partner adopts the content of these websites. In the absence of concrete indications of legal violations, Schulz Kluge Partner cannot be reasonably expected to constantly monitor websites linked to its own. However, should Schulz Kluge Partner become aware of legal violations by such websites, the relevant external links will be deleted immediately.

3. All offers are non-binding. We reserve the right to alter, amend or delete our offers and to withdraw them from publication without prior notice.

4. The use of Schulz Kluge Partner’s website does not in itself imply that a contractual agreement has been entered into between the user and Schulz Kluge Partner. It follows that no contractual or quasi-contractual claims can be made against Schulz Kluge Partner based on the use of this website.  

Data protection:

1. Visiting our internet page(s) can result in information about this visit (date, time, page visited) being saved on our server. In such cases, this information is rendered anonymous and does not include personal data. It is used exclusively for statistical purposes. There is no transfer of this information to third parties, whether for commercial or non-commercial reasons.

2. Individual data provided on contact forms is stored for the exclusive purpose of answering enquiries. In keeping with the specifications expressed in point 3, such data is not transferred to third parties.

Stored data is deleted once enquires have been answered and any associated legal matters have been dealt with.

3. The use of contact data included in our legal notice for commercial purposes is expressly not desired. The author and all persons named on this website hereby withhold their consent to the commercial utilization and transfer to third parties of data pertaining to them.


All texts, images, figures and multimedia files as well as layout and source codes on this website are subject to the laws governing the protection of intellectual property, in particular copyright law. Further utilization, regardless of what form this may take, requires the express permission of the author. This applies particularly to the duplication, adaptation, translation, storage, processing and reproduction of contents in data bases or other electronic media and systems. Contents and rights of third parties shall be indicated as such.

The unauthorized duplication or dissemination of individual items or entire pages of content is not permitted and is an indictable offence.

Image Credits:

Page start: Motiv Kolonnaden Park - Günter Paßmann, pappnas-photos.de
page start: Motiv Brunnen - Imagebroker / Alamy Stock Photo
Page main focuses: laptop/books - IStock / Nutthaseth Vanchaichana

Webdesign and photos

Webpage concept, design and programming by
Rasterwert / M. Ziems


Position:  Contact