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31 98 52 60

Commercial-Industrial Property Rights.

In the field of commercial/industrial property rights we make a strict distinction between, on the one hand, the vigorous and effective representation of our clients and, on the other, the expensive, proactive initiation of legal actions. Due in part to the fact that we also represent many of our clients in the field of taxation, we have developed a solid understanding of economic issues and, as a rule, we advise our clients against the initiation of cost-intensive parallel proceedings.

As a corollary of this, we place all the more emphasis on extrajudicial consultation in the following fields:


  • Unfair advertising, misleading sales promotion, and anti-competitive hindrance by competitors
  • The structuring of our clients’ market presence – including in special fields (e.g. advertising of medications)
  • Enforcement of injunctions
  • Claims for damages and the defense against such claims
  • The general protectability of desired trademarks
  • The extent of protection required for German trademarks, EU community trademarks and international trademarks
  • Our work in this field also includes representation in the following areas:
  • Warnings/reminders and declarations of discontinuance
  • Summary and principal court proceedings regarding claims to discontinuance
  • Damages actions
  • Trademark registration
  • Opposition and cancellation proceedings


Clemens Adori, attorney at law
Rechtsanwalt Clemens Adori

Position:  Main Focuses - Commercial-Industrial Property Rights